Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Authors note: The end of the novel Jekyll and Hyde has finally come to an end. Through-out the reading we have gotten an insight of what came out of the twisted mind of Hyde but in someway Dr. Jekyll. We now know that a potion has been used to transform but, this post is not simply about changing it is about what scares you in change.

Going to a new school—are you scared that you are not going to know anyone or be placed in seclusion? Dying you hair—are you scared that you may be talked about or it may not look good on you? Are you scared to go off to college and have no one at home to guide you? Fright is in many peoples’ mind almost all the time. A survey could be taken at any moment and probably more than have of the surveyors would say they worried or frightened by a change that is happening in their lives at that moment.
As we jump into Jekyll and Hyde, their scenario becomes a little different. This person does not balance everyday life activities that may soon enough go away, even if we are all scared to death of what might come. These two men actually balance two different lives and towards the end, we find out that they end up killing each other because of the horror they may find in the near future.
All in all Jekyll is Hyde and Hyde is Jekyll. They change by potion usually during the mist of the morning and the dawn of the night. Soon things start to get a little rough. When Jekyll finds his alter ego of Hyde, he enjoys it. Not like we enjoy a little sun in the summertime, receiving a nice tan. No. He disgustingly enjoys the horror and terror he can cause people. The things he can do when no one is watching him. The murders and the crimes call to him like babies call to their mothers—constantly. In the beginning Hyde was at night and Jekyll was in the daytime, but at the calls become louder, Hyde appears more often.
One day it hit him, this would have to stop suddenly changing was no good; the secret of his reality would be revealed.  So he does what any insane man does and puts Jekyll’s life to an end. He could not take it anymore and with Jekyll slowly dying as it was he was too. He gets the death done and over with so in the end there was no more Henry Jekyll to be had.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Pathway of Our House

Authors note: through-out this entire novel the re-accruing motif of doors has been coming up. All each described a little differently in different scenarios. Some rough and tattered while other brand-new and yet to be opened. Normal people would read this, yes there is a door, but while we read, we come to the conclusion that when the novel talks about the doors and windows either dirty or clean it represents us. Or in this case Jekyll and Hyde; good or bad, we initially are a house. This is a poem describing what we actually are and in a way the describing of Jekyll to Hyde.

The beautiful front red door
Oh so peaceful waiting to be opened
Once inside many hallways divide.
The house full of many secrets

Walking through the first floor
A look out the windows in pleasant
Beautiful flowers growing in the garden
Some waiting to blossom even more

A flight of stairs happens to arrive.
Leaving the naturally lighted level
Entrance comes into a dimmer light
Much different than the other floor

Windows all dingy
While the floor is filthy
Animals could live here
Such a pigsty

Nothing beautiful lies here
Only ill fitting curtains
And half beaten furniture
The power and potion lies on the table.

Again stairs come about to an attic.
To an even darker place it leads
This is a full transformation
From Jekyll to Hyde we see.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Close Calling Between Heaven and Hell- JH#2

Authors note: Jekyll and Hyde are initially the same person, but Hyde lives the life of crime and committing horrible actions. He finds the evil inside of him and brings it out to the rest of the world. It is almost as if he finds the Satan from Hell inside of him and uses it to take his anger out on the world, although Jekyll is the one who loves the world and everyone around him. This is the story of his close calling from Heaven to Hell.
            He lurks around the city in the shadows of the night lights, pondering on what to do next. Thinking about what will occur within him that causes a terrible action to happen. Every step he takes brings him closer to the edge of insanity.  Sometimes it’s as if the man is unaware of the event—he is unknowing why it happens or even what causes it to happen. When he plays this part in his ongoing movie playing in his head, it is as if Satan is his role model. Something happens, and then is complete; this horrible man walks away as if he has simply picked a flower from a random garden, nothing that is a big deal. Step by step he gets closer and closer to the doors filled with fire—Hell.
            When he walks out of the gloomily dark night, a bright and sun-filled smiley man walks the street of the city. A person who could never think of hurting even a cat. Such a lovable man, friends with many and found in common places in the city they live in. The more he is wonderful, the more appreciated and well known, and liked he is just brings him steps closer to the place everyone wants to end up—Heaven.
            The two different world Jekyll and Hyde lives in is like a ying yang, black and white, evil and peaceful, two fully different worlds. One is much known and one hides in the shadows but yet the secret between these two will-or thought, would never be revealed until an incident with Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jekyll and Hyde #1- Shuttering Fear

Authors Notes: When fear lies in a person, there has got to be a reason as to why. Except Mr. Utterson does not seem to know what he is so scared of. An uncontrollable fear takes over his body whenever he sees Mr. Hyde or even talks about him.

Mr. Utterson seems to be a man to speak his mind. He says what he thinks and acts properly in situations, when necessary. Although, for such a strong man there is one small thing that almost stops him in his tracks, which causes him to shutter at the thought of this man.  The door which made Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield stop and stare was the door which had this man’s entire story behind him. But for some odd reason no one yet knew the full story of what made him so bad. When Mr. Enfield had started to describe him, he barely could put the way he felt in words. The way he put it was “[there was] something displeasing, something down –right, detestable…. He must be deformed somewhere... a strong feeling of deformity”(43). Strong words of hatred were all he had to say, so the question still lies on the table what makes Mr. Utterson shiver at the name. It was almost as if Satan had lied inside of him, referring to the devil; this man was so bad, that is who he took after. Whatever it was frightened the lawyer to no end and he continuously lies in fear at even the thought of what the story is behind the door of Mr. Hyde.