Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jekyll and Hyde #1- Shuttering Fear

Authors Notes: When fear lies in a person, there has got to be a reason as to why. Except Mr. Utterson does not seem to know what he is so scared of. An uncontrollable fear takes over his body whenever he sees Mr. Hyde or even talks about him.

Mr. Utterson seems to be a man to speak his mind. He says what he thinks and acts properly in situations, when necessary. Although, for such a strong man there is one small thing that almost stops him in his tracks, which causes him to shutter at the thought of this man.  The door which made Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield stop and stare was the door which had this man’s entire story behind him. But for some odd reason no one yet knew the full story of what made him so bad. When Mr. Enfield had started to describe him, he barely could put the way he felt in words. The way he put it was “[there was] something displeasing, something down –right, detestable…. He must be deformed somewhere... a strong feeling of deformity”(43). Strong words of hatred were all he had to say, so the question still lies on the table what makes Mr. Utterson shiver at the name. It was almost as if Satan had lied inside of him, referring to the devil; this man was so bad, that is who he took after. Whatever it was frightened the lawyer to no end and he continuously lies in fear at even the thought of what the story is behind the door of Mr. Hyde.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the topic you chose to write about, it is different and it made me open up my mind a little. The piece could use some diction and imagery but overall it was really nice!
